Rule III. Officers

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Section 1. Nomination and Election
The officers of the Bar shall be a President, a President-elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be nominated and elected respectively in the manner provided in the By-laws. Only active members of the District of Columbia Bar shall be eligible to serve as officers of the Bar. The term of office of each officer shall be one year and until the election and qualification of his or her successor, except in the case of interim officers appointed as provided in the By-laws to hold office until the next annual meeting of the Bar. The officers shall receive no compensation for their services.

Section 2. Duties of Officers
President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Bar and at all meetings of the Board of Governors. The President shall appoint and announce as soon as possible after the annual meeting of the Bar in each year the membership of all committees for the ensuing year, the appointment of which shall not have been otherwise provided for. The President shall be a member ex officio of every standing committee and every special committee.

President-elect: The President-elect shall perform the duties of the President during any absence or temporary disability of the President, and, at the expiration of the one-year term of office of the President, the President-elect shall succeed to the office of President.

Vice-president: The Vice-president, if one is required and chosen pursuant to § 3 of this Rule, shall perform the duties of President-elect in the event of the President-elect's succeeding to the office of the President under § 3 of this Rule, or by reason of the death, permanent disability, or resignation of the President-elect on or after January 1st of the year of his or her term of office.

Secretary: The Secretary shall act as secretary at all meetings of the Bar, the Board of Governors, and the Executive Committee, and shall keep a record of all of the proceedings thereof. The Secretary shall notify officers and members of the committees of their election or appointment. The Secretary shall prepare and maintain a register of all members of the District of Columbia Bar and, subject to direction of the Board of Governors, shall send out notices of all elections and meetings. The Secretary also shall perform all other duties assigned to him or her by these Rules, or by the By-laws, or by the Board of Governors.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive, collect, and safely keep, and, under the direction of the Board of Governors disburse, all funds of the Bar and render reports of receipts and disbursements as required. The Treasurer shall assist the Executive Committee in preparing the annual budget. The Treasurer shall furnish a surety bond at the expense of the Bar in such amount as may be required by the Board of Governors.

Section 3. Vacancies in the Offices of President and President-Elect
President: In the event of the death, permanent disability, or resignation of the President prior to the expiration of his or her term of office, the President-elect shall have the option of succeeding to the office of the President and serving the remainder of the term of the President and, subsequently, the presidential term for which he or she was elected. If the President-elect declines to succeed to the office of the President, he or she shall nonetheless serve as President for the term of which he or she has been elected, but in the event of such declination, the Board of Governors shall elect one of its members to serve as President for the remainder of the term, and the following year the person so elected shall serve as past-president. Such person shall resign his or her position on the Board, and the vacancy so created shall be filled as provided by the Rules and the By-laws.

President-elect: If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President-elect through succession at any time, or occurs on or after January 1st by reason of death, permanent disability, or resignation, the Board shall elect one of its members to assume the duties of President-elect for the remainder of the term. Such person shall have the title of Vice-president, but not succeed to the office of President. In the event of the death, permanent disability, or resignation of the President-elect prior to January 1st, a special election shall be held to fill the vacancy. Until the election process is completed, the Board may elect one of its members to serve temporarily as Vice-president.

Section 4. Delegation of Duties
Any duties imposed by these Rules or by the By-laws of the Bar upon the Secretary or Treasurer may be performed under the supervision of such officers, respectively, by assistants or by employees of the Bar. 
