Rule IV. Board of Governors

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Section 1. 
Composition of Board The affairs of the Bar shall be managed and directed by a Board of Governors consisting of the officers of the Bar and the immediate past-president of the Bar, who shall be ex officio members of the Board, and fifteen members elected by the members of the Bar in the manner prescribed by the By-laws. 

Section 2. Term. Qualifications. Nomination and Election 
Of the 1st elected members of the Board of Governors, 5 shall be elected for a term of 1 year, 5 for a term of 2 years, and 5 for a term of 3 years. As each such term expires each newly elected member shall be elected for a term of 3 years; provided, however, that in each case Board members shall continue to serve until their successors shall be elected and shall qualify. No person shall be eligible to serve on the Board of Governors unless he or she is an active member of the Bar. No person shall be eligible to election to the Board of Governors for more than 2 consecutive 3-year terms. 

Section 3. Functions 
The Board of Governors shall have general charge of the affairs and activities of the Bar. It shall have authority to fix the time and place of the annual meeting of members of the Bar; to make appropriations and authorize disbursements from the funds of the District of Columbia Bar in payment of the necessary expenses of the Bar; to engage and define the duties of employees and fix their compensation; to receive, consider and take action on reports and recommendations submitted by committees, and the assembly of members of the Bar at any annual or special meeting;to arrange for publication of an official Bar bulletin or journal; to conduct investigations of matters affecting the Bar; to fill vacancies, however arising, in the membership of the Board of Governors, or in any office, subject to the limitations of Rule III, section 3, and in such case the person appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office until the completion of the next regular election; and to adopt By-laws and regulations, not inconsistent with these rules, for the orderly administration of the Bar's affairs and activities. 
