Rule VI. Meetings of the Bar

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Section 1. Annual Meeting
There shall be an annual meeting of members of the Bar during the month of June in each year. The Board of Governors shall determine the time and place of the annual meeting, and shall arrange therefor a suitable program. Reports of officers and reports of proceedings of the Board of Governors subsequent to the last previous annual meeting shall be presented to the meeting.

Section 2. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the members of the Bar may be called by the Board of Governors or the President; and shall be called by the Secretary whenever he or she receives a petition signed by not less than 3% of the active members of the Bar requesting such meeting and specifying the purpose thereof, and the meeting shall be convened accordingly as promptly as possible and not later than 30 days after the Secretary receives such petition. The census of the Bar shall be determined as of the first business day of the calendar year in which the petition is submitted. It shall be the duty of the Board of Governors to fix the time and place of every special meeting, to make suitable arrangements therefor, and to cause the Secretary to give notice thereof to the members. Such meetings shall be limited to the purpose set forth in the notice.

Section 3. Quorum 
One hundred active members present at any annual or special meeting shall constitute a quorum. For purposes of this Rule, “present” shall include in-person attendance, virtual/electronic attendance, or a combination thereof, so long as all attendees can hear each other and participate meaningfully during such meeting. No member shall be entitled to be represented by proxy.

Section 4. Notice 
Notice of the time and place of every annual meeting of members shall be mailed by the Secretary to each active member of the Bar or published in the official bulletin of the Bar at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

Notice of the time, place and purpose of every special meeting of members shall be mailed by the Secretary to each active member of the Bar or published in the official bulletin of the District of Columbia Bar at least 10 days prior to the meeting.

Section 5. Recommendations to Board of Governors
The members present at any annual or special meeting of members of the Bar, herein also referred to as the “assembly,” may consider, and by vote of the active members present adopt, subject to any limitations contained in the By-laws, any proposal pertinent to the purposes of the Bar; provided that every such proposal that is adopted shall constitute a recommendation from the assembly to the Board of Governors, and shall be referred accordingly by the presiding officer to the Board of Governors for such action as the Board of Governors may deem proper, except as otherwise required in the case of a direction for a referendum under the provisions of Rule VII, or in the case of a proposal for amendment of these rules under the provisions of Rule XIV.
