Rule VII. Referendum Procedure

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Section 1. Governors May Initiate
The Board of Governors may at any time, by the affirmative vote of 2/3 of its membership, refer to the active members of the Bar for determination by mail ballot, any question of Bar policy. 

Section 2. Assembly May Initiate
The Board of Governors shall, in like manner, submit for determination by the active members of the Bar, any question of Bar policy, including proposed changes in the rules or By-laws of the Bar, whenever directed to do so by resolution adopted at any annual or special meeting of the Bar by the affirmative vote of not less than 200 active members, provided that no such resolution directing the Board of Governors to propose changes in the rules shall be effective unless adopted at 2 consecutive meetings of the assembly.

Section 3. Members May Initiate by Petition
The Board of Governors shall, in like manner, submit for determination by the members of the Bar, any question of Bar policy, including proposals for changes in the rules or By-laws, whenever directed so to do by a petition signed by not less than 3% of the active members of the Bar, based on the census of the Bar as of the first business day of the calendar year in which the petition is submitted.

Section 4. Procedure
Ballots for use in any such referendum shall be prepared, distributed, returned and counted in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Board of Governors. The result of a referendum, as determined by a majority of the votes cast, when duly ascertained shall be published by the Board of Governors in the official Bar bulletin, and shall control the action of the Bar, the Board of Governors, the officers and committees. 
